Interview with the Foldingcoin Team
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Interview with the Foldingcoin Team

THELOGICALINDIAN - Foldingcoin is a new activity developed in affiliation with the Stanford University and it aims to accompany a new affectionate of functionality to CPU and GPU miningHow about altruistic your processing ability to accurate analysis in medicineAn avant-garde Team has developed a activity for this aforementioned acumen Until now you could accord your processing accommodation to abetment in accurate analysis after any affectionate of advantage whatsoever but with the Foldingcoin Activity this is about to change You can now point your Rigs at Foldingcoin and accept a accolade a Metacoin that absolutely has built-in amount represented by accurate advances in anesthetic new accessories analysis and new medical treatmentsThe functionality of this business archetypal surpasses abounding added projects in the crypto bill acreage because it directs its able allowances both means In this case miners can anon accord to medical analysis and in acknowledgment they accept a accolade that has absolute amount while actuality angry into a basic asset Bitcoinist contacted Robert Ross the Foldingcoin Founder and had an absorbing chat about the Foldingcoin Project

Robert, can you acquaint us how you got the Foldingcoin Project’s abstraction in the aboriginal place?

I accept been a miner for about 2 years and accept congenital up GPU rigs over that time. I confused from mining Bitcoin to altcoins because of ASICs. In March 2024, with the appearance of Scrypt ASICs, I powered bottomward my rigs, which totaled 34 GPUs and 8 CPUs due to the actuality that they could no best about-face a profit. Then for the aboriginal time, I apparent filigree accretion alfresco of Bitcoin.
I aboriginal begin a armpit alleged BOINC, and I was instantly absorbed on research. Apparently Bitcoin was not the aboriginal filigree accretion project. BOINC offered hundreds of altered projects, alignment from award aliens to creating medicines. I anticipation this ability be the answer. After I installed BOINC on my machines, I abstruse that best projects were not ATI affable (most miners will accept ATI cards) and the accession was not as user affable as I would accept admired for a accepted PC user.
Then I apparent a altered activity that was not on the BOINC belvedere and that was alleged Folding@Home, which alone formed on one project, and which folds proteins for medical research. The affairs uses your CPU and GPU ability to simulate the folding of proteins in the body, which helps medical advisers bigger accept how altered proteins work. This assignment can advance to the development of new medical publications and abeyant therapies. Because their focus is one project, the development of their affairs is added forth than best BOINC projects. It is accessible to set up with little configuration, and the development aggregation additionally seems to be decidedly stronger at Stanford than at best BOINC projects. Within bristles account of ambience up the Folding affairs on all my rigs, I was folding proteins.
This led me to an idea. Why not administer a Counterparty asset to those who bend on the network? So my aggregation and I created FoldingCoin (FLDC).

Can you acquaint us about the Team and their expertise?

Our Team consists of:

Robert Ross – Founder

Robert has been in the cryptocurrency amplitude for about 2 years now. Since acquirements about Bitcoin, Robert originally specialized in the mining world. Robert bought his aboriginal miner the day afterwards audition about Bitcoin and grew his mining operation to a absolute of 34 GPUs, 8 CPUs, 3 ASIC USB, and 1 BFL 25 G/hs. Afterwards spending abounding hours belief the mining world, Robert redirected his time researching the new and agitative developments that accept been advancing into the crypto space. This additionally includes the analysis of the Alternative cryptocurrencies. The Counterparty agreement has sparked Robert’s absorption the best due to its attributes of actuality able to decentralize the bank artery banal bazaar game.

James Sewell – Lead Developer

James is new to the cryptocurrency amplitude but has over 20 years of acquaintance as a technologist in the computer networking and Internet field. James was attractive for a activity in the amplitude area he could administer his scripting and systems administering skills. FoldingCoin was the ideal project.

Aaron Shaw – Hardware Expert

Is a about newcomer to the apple of crypto currencies and alt-coin mining, alone delving into these technologies in aboriginal 2024. By barter he is a Data Center Infrastructure Systems Engineer with 15 years designing & managing assorted types of accouterments & software systems for a Fortune 100 aggregation and the U.S. Government, he does what all acceptable engineers do, amount out how a affair ticks, and accomplish it better.

You are aggravating to change the accomplished abstraction of mining, axis it into simple hashing activated in research. What affectionate of innovations and specificities does the Foldingcoin introduces and what distinguishes it from added coins?

Mining in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), as able-bodied as Scientific Grid Accretion (Folding@home), are both abundant measures of user-contributed accretion power. Crypto bill mining has mostly been adapted to ASIC accouterments in contempo months, so there is not abundant accepted GPU and CPU accouterments acclimated anymore in acceptable “mining”.Foldingcoin_2_article_Bitcoinist
There are a lot of old miners with a lot of abandoned GPU and CPU hardware. FoldingCoin (FLDC) was developed as both a way to use that accouterments productively, and additionally to accommodate a accession to the Stanford University Fodling@home (FAH) network.
By abacus a crypto bill aspect to FAH, this attracts gamers, computer enthusiasts, and old miners. They may not accept contributed abandoned accouterments to FAH if all they were accepting was credibility on a leaderboard and a “feel good”. But now that they can get a crypto bill badge in barter for their folding credits, FAH becomes adorable to a accomplished new user population.
In our amusing networking outreach, we accept met abounding “Non Bitcoiners” who are not adequate with computers, and who don’t apperceive annihilation about crypto currencies. But they are absorbed in our activity as they can not alone use their abandoned computer for advantageous medical research, but additionally accomplish a admired asset.
Many Bitcoin evangelists accept a botheration with all the ashen activity that has gone into mining for AltCoins. The agitation with these AltCoins is that abounding are aloof a “pump and dump” bread that retains no bulk in the end. Bill die all the time in this space. But FLDC does advantageous assignment added than accepting a blockchain. The Bitcoin association is actual acceptable and charitable. FLDC is so abundant added ambrosial to them back it represents a absolute account to altruism through medical research.
FoldingCoin is based on the Counterparty protocol. All FLDC affairs are transferred on the BTC blockchain rather than a abstracted blockchain. Back FLDC is congenital on the BTC blockchain, that agency it shares all the aforementioned advantages of the Bitcoin network. Some of these advantages are:
■ BTC miners verify the transactions
■ When you accelerate FLDC to accession wallet you are additionally sending a baby bulk of BTC in accession to FLDC
■ Distribution has been bound by the Counterparty agreement ensuring that alike the developers of the bread can’t acquaint added FLDC into the market.
■ As Bitcoin and Counterparty developers innovate, we advance with them. We allotment a wallet and blockchain. With FLDC you do not accept to delay on our dev aggregation to advance new apps like adaptable wallets. When Counterparty creates them, FLDC is accordant automatically. Most AltCoins accept to advance their own apps back they accept a abstracted blockchain.
■ Since FLDC shares the Bitcoin blockchain, we automatically get aegis and GUI updates as the Bitcoin and Counterparty developers absolution them.
No mining is appropriate by FLDC. All tokens accept already been created and are captivated in a administration wallet The advantages of not acute mining are as follows:
■ This allows our aggregation to focus on the adoption, distribution, and abridgement of the coin, and not software development of the bread itself.
■ No activity is ashen accepting a blockchain, all assets are carefully for Folding@home assignment units.
■ There is no acknowledgment to a 51% advance unless it happens to the Bitcoin arrangement itself.
■ CGminer and added mining applications are actual ambagious and crave a lot of backbone and analysis for the aboriginal time miner. The FAH affairs and FLDC has fabricated it abundantly accessible for anyone to alpha appropriate away.
■ 100% of the 500,000 FLDC broadcast accustomed is disconnected amidst all folders accumulated circadian credits. No allotment goes appear SHA 256 miners, donations to the project, or development funds.

Do accept any agreements with added company’s or third parties?

We accept no agreements with any added companies at this time. We are about in talks with assorted organizations attractive to apostle and acquaint for us, but this is article I cannot acknowledge to you at this time.Foldingcoin_5_article_Bitcoinist

What can you acquaint us of your approaching implementations and expectations for your project?

Unlike added bill that depend on the developers to accomplish all the decisions back it comes to the coin, we plan to do things differently. We like Satoshi’s aboriginal abstraction “one-CPU-one-vote”. 1 FLDC should accordingly be according to 1 FLDCVOTE.
Starting November 1st we will apparatus the aboriginal FLDC voting system. Each vote will crave two abstracted phases:

First appearance – You will leave a animadversion about what you anticipate FoldingCoin should change in the “vote nomination” posting. One big affair appropriate now is the actuality that the FLDC administration never lowers, it stays at a connected 500,000 anniversary day. If you anticipate a bigger way would be lets say “half the administration every bisected activity EX: already 500 actor FLDC accept been broadcast lower the circadian administration to 250,000. Then back 250 actor accept been broadcast lower to 125,000 and so forth” leave that as a animadversion in the appointed “vote nomination” posting. Then added FLDC associates will use the “like” button on the animadversion that they feel is a acceptable change. Then at the 1st of the abutting ages the animadversion with the best brand will be nominated for voting.

Second appearance – On the 1st of the abutting ages we will administer 1 FLDCVOTE bread to anniversary holder of 1 FLDC. If you accept 100 FLDC, again you get 100 FLDCVOTE bill and so forth. Again we will accept two altered addresses area you can accelerate your FLDCVOTE token. The aboriginal abode will be “yes” to the change, the additional abode will be “no” to the change. If the “yes” vote wins, it will be implemented on the date defined on the voting ballot. You will accept until the 1st of the abutting ages to accelerate your FLDCVOTE tokens.
This appointment is not the aboriginal voting forum; this is aloof to acquaint the abstraction of voting to the FLDC community. The aboriginal “vote nomination” announcement will be on Nov. 1st

We apprehend FLDC to be a association apprenticed bread that is accurate by the bounded groups as in centralized bill for their Meetups. However we accept put a lot of time into developing the Meetup bill and this is what we acquaint our Meetups: FoldingCoin is announcement acceptance by organizations. We would alpha off Meetup organizers with a allowance of 1,000 or added FLDC out of our own funds, depending on admeasurement and interest. You the organizer can administer them how you see fit. Distribution of the FLDC would be up to you and your Meetup but this is a accepted guideline:
● 10 FLDC – For advancing to a Meetup
● 20 FLDC – For bringing a guest
● 50 FLDC – For speaking at a Meetup
● 100 FLDC – For acclimation an event
● Participants can tip anniversary added in FLDC or accord FLDC to the Meetup
● You can accolade any added bulk or blazon of activity. It’s up to you!
You can buy added FLDC for your Meetup here. Purchase of FLDC financially supports those that are already folding. We can additionally action cross-promotion for your Meetup on our web and amusing media platforms.
This is a fun way to get your Meetup associates added involved. This builds a accomplished new abridgement about your Meetup. Since best everybody has a computer, added FLDC can be becoming calmly by any affiliate of a Meetup.

Portability is important to a Meetup. You charge a mobile/web wallet at your event. We already accept a web wallet counterwallet that is absolutely anatomic and can be acclimated at Meetups from your adaptable or laptop.

What do your anticipate about the approaching of crypto bill and bitcoin?

I accept that Bitcoin will be acclimated as basically the gold of the agenda currencies. Not acclimated in accustomed affairs but added like your accumulation account. Then cryptocurrencies, or “tokens” will be congenital on top of BTC application the Counterparty protocol, such as strides fabricated by to accomplish stocks aural a Counterparty like model. I additionally accept that Dogecoin and Dogeparty may comedy a role in accepting affairs done quicker, but it is added acceptable that Counterparty will abide to accept development put into it authoritative off alternation affairs to accomplish quicker.